Install and use Traefik as a reverse proxy for Docker

In this Guide we will install Traefik v2 as a reverse proxy with free LetsEncrypt SSL certificates for our Docker container. With Traefik you will be able to run multiple containers with different domains. This guide offers a ready to use docker-compose.yml for a quick start with Traefik. Traefik v2 Install Preparation Info If you don’t have docker installed yet, you can find instructions for Ubuntu or Debian. This Guide uses docker-compose to run Traefik, therefore its necessary to also install docker-compose....

2021-04-27 · 5 min · 937 words · ae3

Securing Grav Admin

Grav CMS can be used with an additional admin plugin to be able to administer the website without access to the actual file system. This comes with potential danger, because whoever gains access to the admin plugin has unrestricted access to your Grav installation. .htaccess Rule With the following .htaccess rule you can protect the admin area of Grav with a password. Simply add the following content to your .htaccess file in the root directory of your Grav installation e....

2021-04-23 · 1 min · 191 words · ae3

Install Docker on Ubuntu 20.04

In this How-To we are going to install Docker on Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal). To be able to use Docker to its full extent, we also install docker-compose. The instructions can be used for Ubuntu 20.04 as well as for all other current Ubuntu installations, including Ubuntu Hirsute 21.04. There are two ways to install the Docker Engine, one with a regular apt install and one with an install script made by docker....

2021-04-23 · 3 min · 448 words · ae3

Docker Install on Debian 10

In this guide we are going to install Docker on Debian 10 Buster. To be able to use Docker to its full extent, we also install docker-compose. There are two ways to install the Docker Engine, one with a regular apt install and one with an install script made by docker. Install Docker from apt repo First, we make sure to remove all versions of Docker. This is especially important if you have ever tried to install Docker on your Debian server before....

2021-04-22 · 3 min · 429 words · ae3